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What drives gamers to collect coins, snipe aliens, or climb ancient tomb walls until the early morning hours? Gamers often find themselves booting up their consoles to escape their everyday lives temporarily.

While gaming offers a break from daily responsibilities, great features and immersive gameplay are not always enough to sustain the entire experience. Players need a reason to return.

As web3 gaming gains momentum, building a strong community has become essential for a game’s success and longevity. While many traditional games have dedicated communities, web3 games have taken a new approach to unite individuals with shared interests.

These web3 gaming communities transcend conventional gaming fan clubs by serving as spaces where innovation, community, and inventive monetization strategies are developed. Their influence extends beyond gameplay, impacting fundamental aspects like game development.

Given web3’s financial aspect, it can be challenging to avoid attracting individuals motivated by monetary gain. However, strategies prioritizing long-term community building can reduce the presence of users who play solely for financial benefits.

Web3 gamers want to know who they are getting involved with, especially when real money is at stake. This has prompted developers to be more open and transparentβ€”sharing information about their team, providing regular product updates, and maintaining communication channels for community questions. Social platforms like Discord, X (formerly Twitter), and Reddit have been instrumental in encouraging fanbases to interact with developers and each other.

But, like any relationship, communities require care and nurturing. Consistent and ongoing efforts are essential to maintain the community’s vibrant nature and retain members. This is especially true when tokenomics are involved, as players interact differently when they have a tangible stake in the game. Although it seems counterintuitive, tokenomics can be used to onboard new players without excessive financial demands.

For example, Shadow War focuses on enhancing its gaming experience by giving players a direct voice in the game’s development. Aiming to build a strong community of traditional gamers and web3 enthusiasts, Shadow War has committed to perfecting its product through various rounds of playtests supported by its growing community. In its first trial phase, the game reached over 10,000 signups through social platform announcements.

The game exemplifies its dedication by creating community quest programs like Shadownet and Shadownet 2.0. These platforms allow players to unlock in-game perks and features through social engagement, rewarding community members, and creating unique content around the game. Patriots Division, the developers behind Shadow War, created Shadownet 2.0 as a direct result of community feedback, refining current features and adding new ones before the game goes live.

If web3 games want to continue thriving with passionate communities, they must transform how players engage with their products. No one expects a web3 game to be perfect from day one, but building a strong community that can help influence the experience is critical. Otherwise, innovative web3 games risk being overlooked in the digital gaming landscape.

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