Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, recently addressed concerns about the misuse of Telegram’s search functionality. In a recent post, he announced significant updates to the platform’s moderation policies.

Telegram’s Enhanced Moderation Policies

In his Telegram post, Durov emphasized that while Telegram’s search feature allows users to find public channels and bots more easily than other messaging apps, it has been exploited by individuals selling illegal goods. Durov stated that those who violate the platform’s rules might be reported to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests.

β€œWe have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, ensuring they are consistent across the world. We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests.”

Recent Updates to Telegram

Over the past few weeks, Telegram has taken steps to enhance search safety by deploying a team of moderators leveraging artificial intelligence. According to Durov, these efforts have made Telegram Search significantly safer, with problematic content being removed. He urged users to report any remaining illegal or unsafe content.

To deter future abuse, Telegram has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy globally. These revisions clarify that users’ IP addresses and phone numbers violating the platform’s rules may be shared with authorities in response to valid legal requests. This policy shift represents a marked change for Telegram, a platform previously known for prioritizing user privacy.

β€œTelegram Search is meant for finding friends and discovering news, not for promoting illegal goods. We won’t let bad actors jeopardize the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users.”

Legal Cooperation and Compliance

Following legal requests from law enforcement agencies, Telegram has begun complying with these requests. For instance, Telegram responded to a request from a European Union member state regarding an investigation into a group suspected of commissioning contract killings.

Pavel Durov’s Legal Issues

Durov’s message comes at a time when he has become the focus of legal investigations. In August, Durov was arrested in France following allegations that Telegram was being used for criminal activities, including drug trafficking and cybercrime. His detention has led Telegram to increase cooperation with law enforcement authorities not only in France but also in several other countries.

Following his arrest, Durov publicly addressed the charges against him, defending Telegram’s moderation practices and criticizing authorities for targeting him directly. He expressed surprise at the legal action, emphasizing that Telegram has an official EU representative to handle law enforcement requests, questioning why authorities bypassed these channels to focus on him.

β€œThe charges are outdated and hold me accountable for users’ activities, despite our robust content moderation and transparency efforts.”

Durov’s recent actions mark a shift for Telegram, which had previously been reluctant to share user data with authorities. Whether these measures will be enough to satisfy critics and prevent further legal challenges remains to be seen.

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