Afghanistan’s government, under Taliban control, recently arrested eight cryptocurrency traders in Herat, a city in the northwest of the country. One anonymous crypto trader revealed that the Taliban detained him and seven others in May for using crypto. They were held in Herat’s central prison for 28 days.

It’s crucial to understand that the Central Bank of Afghanistan banned the use of cryptocurrencies in August 2022, leading to the shutdown of over 30 crypto-related businesses in the region. The government labeled digital currencies and Forex trading as “haram,” an Arabic term for forbidden activities in Islam.

Another crypto dealer mentioned earning a small commission of 1% to 2% for selling USDT to traders, just enough to sustain his family. He stated:

“Now I don’t know what to do. The prices of goods are very high, and the economy is on the brink of collapse while there’s nothing else to do.”

He added that selling USDT might endanger his life, but he has no other options.

Both traders noted that the Taliban did not confiscate their crypto assets. However, sources indicated that a group of cryptocurrency dealers were recently arrested, and the government seized all their digital holdings.

There are reports suggesting that some of these traders could face up to six months in jail.

Another individual shared that before the Taliban’s crypto ban, he used to receive financial support from his brother in the U.S. through Bitcoin (BTC) and USDT. Now, with cryptocurrencies deemed forbidden, it sometimes takes weeks for him to receive and withdraw the money. He remarked:

“It’s all because this country, with thousands of years of history, doesn’t have access to standard banks and bans its only way out.”

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