Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has proposed a revolutionary idea to increase transparency in the United States government. During a rally in Michigan, Kennedy suggested putting the nation’s 2024 budget on a public blockchain. This move would allow Americans to access any budget item at any time, ensuring complete transparency in government spending.

Integrating the budget with blockchain technology would provide a level of transparency never seen before. Kennedy highlighted the impact by mentioning that even a $16,000 toilet seat purchase would be visible to the public. This proposal has been well-received by some in the cryptocurrency community, who believe it could help combat corruption.

Some users have praised the idea, with one stating that putting the entire US budget on the blockchain would be transformative. Others have pointed out that public accounting is one of the best use cases for blockchain technology, along with supply-chain implementations.

However, critics of the proposal suggest that Kennedy may have ulterior motives, using this idea to promote his central bank digital currency (CBDC) agenda. According to one user, tracking all budget transactions without a CBDC would be challenging.

It is interesting to note that Kennedy, a strong advocate for decentralization, has publicly expressed concerns about the launch of a CBDC in the US, calling it a calamity for human and civil rights. Despite this, he has endorsed Bitcoin and even announced that his campaign accepts Bitcoin donations.

Cryptocurrencies continue to be a highly debated topic globally, while blockchain technology has seen widespread adoption in the public sector. Regulators have shown openness towards blockchain implementations, making Kennedy’s proposal a potential game-changer in government transparency.