Blockchain developer RedStone has integrated its oracle solution into The Open Network (TON), offering the first-ever price feeds on the network.

Telegram-incubated The Open Network is enhancing its decentralized finance ecosystem with RedStone’s launch of the first oracle price feeds, providing real-time, gas-efficient data solutions. According to a Sept. 19 press release, the integration provides real-time data feeds that will help blockchain developers build protocols on TON.

Understanding Oracle Feeds in Blockchain

Oracle feeds in blockchain are tools that supply smart contracts with real-world data, such as asset prices or weather updates, which are essential for executing automated actions or decisions. They act as a bridge between blockchains and external information sources.

However, TON, unlike other blockchains such as Ethereum, where smart contracts communicate directly, relies on message transmissions for contract interactions, which presents unique challenges. RedStone notes that its solution addresses these complexities.

This process demands careful attention to critical factors such as the sender’s identity, message structure, and the accuracy of the responses, all of which are crucial to maintaining the integrity and security of the system.

RedStone Brings Oracles to TON

RedStone’s oracles will automatically publish asset prices, monitored to ensure uninterrupted service. In addition to oracles, RedStone has introduced smart contract templates powered by TON Connect, designed to simplify the integration process for developers.

RedStone’s chief executive, Jakub Wojciechowski, emphasizes the firm’s vision for TON, stating that the blockchain developer is committed to providing developers with essential tools like smart contract templates and automatic relayers, ensuring seamless data flow and uninterrupted service. Beyond TON, RedStone has secured partnerships across Ethereum and Avalanche, among others, with a focus on delivering cross-chain data feeds.

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