Pro-crypto lawyer John Deaton is set to file an amicus brief in support of Coinbase’s motion for an interlocutory appeal. This move comes as Deaton highlights the urgent need for legal clarity in the cryptocurrency industry, particularly in response to the U.S. SEC’s inconsistent regulatory approach.

In his upcoming brief, Deaton references court cases involving Ripple, LBRY, and Telegram, as well as previous statements from the SEC regarding cryptocurrency regulation. He criticizes the SEC’s lack of consistency, particularly in its changing stance on whether crypto tokens should be classified as securities.

Deaton, a prominent figure in the crypto space, has been actively involved in legal battles related to cryptocurrencies. In 2021, he challenged the SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple, arguing against the classification of XRP as a security. Deaton’s involvement in the legal landscape has only intensified since announcing his candidacy for the U.S. Senate earlier this year.

Coinbase, a major player in the crypto industry, has also taken legal action against the SEC. The company recently filed an appeal in two courts to challenge certain aspects of its ongoing litigation with the regulatory body. Specifically, Coinbase is seeking clarification on whether digital asset transactions that do not involve obligations to the original issuer should be considered investment contracts under SEC regulations.

As the crypto industry continues to navigate regulatory challenges, Deaton’s amicus brief and Coinbase’s legal battle with the SEC shed light on the complexities facing industry participants. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story.