NEXO Coinmarketcap Information

NEXO Coingecko Price Chart

About NEXO

The NEXO Token is a utility token that provides numerous benefits on the Nexo platform. Being actively traded on the open market, it offers an array of exclusive advantages to its holders.

What are these benefits? Well, NEXO Token holders are privy to preferential interest rates on their crypto-backed loans. This means they can borrow at lower costs compared to non-holders. Moreover, they receive enhanced yields for the Earn Interest Product, allowing them to grow their investment faster.

But that's not all. Additional perks include cashback on transactions and complimentary crypto withdrawals. These features further enhance the value proposition of holding NEXO Tokens, making it a compelling choice for many cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

In conclusion, the NEXO Token is more than just another cryptocurrency—it's a gateway to a range of unique benefits and opportunities within the world of digital finance.

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Country of OriginSwitzerland 🇨🇭
ICO Data
Start Date: 03/06/2018
End Date: 04/01/2018