Golem Coinmarketcap Information

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About Golem

The Golem Network is an open-source, decentralized computing platform that offers an ecosystem for the AI industry. It operates as a peer-to-peer marketplace for distributed computing resources, allowing users to exchange GLM tokens for the use of idle computing resources.

One key feature of Golem is its ability to break tasks into smaller subtasks and distribute them across multiple providers. This parallel processing approach enhances efficiency and accelerates the completion of complex computations.

Understanding GLM

GLM, also known as Golem Network Token, is essential for transactions on the network. It serves as the marketplace's currency. Requestors set a bid amount in GLM they are willing to pay for task completion while Providers earn GLM by computing tasks for Requestors.

Getting Involved

To stay informed about the latest developments and updates from Golem Network, consider joining their Discord community. You can also find support there if you're interested in becoming a Provider or Requestor on the Golem platform.

In conclusion, Golem Network presents an innovative solution to leverage idle computational resources, creating a win-win situation for both requestors needing computational power and providers with excess capacity. For more news and insights about cryptocurrency trends like these, we invite you to discover more on Global Crypto News.

Country of OriginPoland 🇵🇱
ICO Data
Start Date: 11/11/2016
End Date: 12/02/2016