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About Ethereum Name Service

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is an open and adaptable naming system that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. Its main function is to convert user-friendly names such as 'alice.eth' into machine-readable identifiers, including Ethereum addresses, other cryptocurrency addresses, content hashes, and metadata. Additionally, ENS allows for 'reverse resolution', which enables the attachment of metadata like canonical names or interface descriptions to Ethereum addresses.

Comparison with DNS

While ENS shares similar objectives with DNS (the Internet's Domain Name Service), its structure differs significantly due to the capabilities and restrictions of the Ethereum blockchain. Like DNS, ENS utilizes a system of dot-separated hierarchical names known as domains. Domain owners have complete control over subdomains.

Top-Level Domains and Registrars

Top-level domains such as '.eth' and '.test' are controlled by smart contracts known as registrars. These registrars set out rules for the allocation of their subdomains. By adhering to these rules, anyone can secure domain ownership for personal use. Moreover, ENS permits users to import their existing DNS names for use within its system.

Hierarchical Nature of ENS

The hierarchical structure of ENS allows any domain owner at any level to configure subdomains according to their preferences. For example, if Alice owns 'alice.eth', she can create 'pay.alice.eth' and customize it as she sees fit.

Deployment of ENS

ENS has been deployed on the primary Ethereum network along with several test networks. When using a library like ensjs Javascript library or an end-user application, it will automatically identify the network you're interacting with and utilize the corresponding ENS deployment.

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NameEthereum Name Service