This past week, the overall non-fungible token (NFT) market experienced a mixed performance. NFT sales volume dropped by 11.92%, totaling $81.8 million, while the number of NFT buyers surged by 173.25% to 327,594.

Key Blockchain Performances

Ethereum continued to lead in terms of NFT sales volume. Despite a decline of over 10% from the previous week, the network still generated over $28 million. Notably, buyer activity on Ethereum rose by 42.5%.

Solana ranked second with more than $16 million in NFT sales, although this represented a 15% decline. Interestingly, Solana saw a 245.93% increase in buyers and a nearly 6% drop in wash trading activities.

Bitcoin held the third spot for the third consecutive week, bringing in $13.8 million, reflecting a 6.1% drop from the previous week. Wash trading on Bitcoin rose by over 4%, but the $410,863 from this activity was minimal compared to other blockchains.

Polygon had the highest funds from wash trading at $9.1 million, far exceeding the $6.6 million from owner-to-owner NFT sales. Rounding out the top five was Mythos Chain, which saw a steep 30% decline in NFT sales volume, totaling just over $5 million.

Notable Collections and Sales

Among NFT collections, Mythos Chain’s DMarket collection emerged as the best-selling collection of the week, with $4.99 million in sales. However, this was still a nearly 30% drop from the previous week, with the number of transactions falling by 33%.

Meanwhile, the second-placed Sorare, hosted on Ethereum, showed resilience with an 8.3% increase in sales to $3.65 million. Transactions for the Sorare collection went up by almost 8%, and buyer activity increased by over 10%. This uptick coincides with the start of popular European soccer leagues, which may have renewed interest in the fantasy sports platform.

The standout performer of the week was Bitcoin’s Uncategorized Ordinals, which saw an astounding 864.66% increase in sales, totaling $3.1 million.

Top NFT Sales of the Week

In terms of individual NFT sales, a notable transaction was an Uncategorized Ordinal on Bitcoin, which sold for $2.4 million. In contrast, Ethereum’s Bored Ape Yacht Club #2579 sold for $342,542. Other significant transactions included Solana’s Froganas #4559, which fetched $82,689, and a BNB Paraluni Perpetual Bond, which sold for $134,751.

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