Jump Crypto, a blockchain infrastructure company, has introduced a new bug bounty program, offering Solana developers up to $1 million to identify vulnerabilities in the upcoming Firedancer, a third-party Solana validator client.

The bug bounty campaign, sponsored by Immunefi, will span 42 days, from July 10 to August 21, 2024.

Firedancer represents a significant enhancement to the Solana blockchain infrastructure. During a 2022 demonstration, Firedancer showcased its capability to handle over 1 million transactions per second. Designed from scratch, Firedancer adds a vital layer of client diversity to the Solana ecosystem. Unlike most current clients, which are primarily derivatives of Solana’s native implementation, Firedancer’s independent codebase significantly reduces risks associated with supply chain attacks and common vulnerabilities inherent in uniform systems.

This new client is expected to outperform “QUIC,” a data transfer protocol developed by Google, which has struggled with transaction processing during network spikes.

Cantelope Peel, a pseudonymous engineer at Jump Crypto, is leading the development of Firedancer v0.1. Peel provided an update, stating:

We are currently working on and actively testing our first versions of the Solana consensus and fork choice algorithms. We are also working on live voting and various other components.

Peel announced the bug bounty program on July 3, noting that the team is now testing the Solana consensus and fork decision algorithms, as well as other crucial components like live voting.

Firedancer is built with a dual-language base of C and Rust, specifically designed to handle high trade volumes. Solana Labs co-founder and CEO Anatoly Yakovenko has emphasized Firedancer’s potential to enhance the speed of the Solana network, thereby increasing its scalability.

To participate in the bounty program, participants must complete a registration process, including providing know-your-client data.

Key Highlights:

  • Bug bounty program runs from July 10 to August 21, 2024.
  • Offers up to $1 million for identifying vulnerabilities in Firedancer.
  • Firedancer can handle over 1 million transactions per second.
  • Independent codebase reduces risks of supply chain attacks.
  • Built with C and Rust for high trade volumes.

Bugs identified in Firedancer v0.1 will be investigated and addressed within 24 hours on weekdays, according to Immunefi. An event-specific leaderboard and bug reports will be provided once the program concludes.

Firedancer was initially deployed on a Solana testnet in November 2023, indicating that Cantelope Peel and Jump Crypto have been developing the Solana validator client since January 30, 2023. Although Peel proposed creating a similar version of Firedancer for Ethereum, no substantial progress has been made in that direction.

On May 7, asset management firm Franklin Templeton acknowledged the validator client, citing Solana’s potential to solidify its position as the market’s third-largest cryptocurrency.

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