Crypto advocate John E. Deaton has openly challenged Senator Elizabeth Warren on her stance regarding β€œgreedy corporations” and insurance companies.

Deaton, who is aiming to unseat Warren on a Republican ticket in the upcoming elections, responded to a post by the incumbent senator on X, where she addressed price gouging by U.S. companies.

“I have personally fought greedy corporations and insurance companies (including one of your former clients, Traveler’s Insurance) for more than two decades, on behalf of working families across the Commonwealth. I look forward to our discussion on this topic. See you soon…”

In her post, Warren criticized how large corporations had pushed up food prices, generating substantial profits at the expense of struggling Americans. The senator was rallying support for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who she claimed would take stringent measures against price gouging.

“Big corporations have driven food prices up and raked in enormous profits. Meanwhile, working Americans are left to struggle. Vice President Kamala Harris will go after corporate price gouging and bring down prices.”

Deaton took this opportunity to remind the senator of his 20-year history of confronting corporations, including some that were Warren’s former clients. He referenced Travelers Insurance, which Warren’s firm defended in a case involving lung cancer and mesothelioma victims. Deaton also suggested he was open to further discussions with Sen. Warren on the matter.

The debate between Deaton and Warren has drawn significant interest from the crypto community, given their contrasting views on the sector. Deaton is strongly pro-crypto, whereas Warren has been a vocal critic. She has raised concerns about the potential of crypto to become a national security risk and about predatory practices among crypto companies. The senator has also consistently advocated for stricter regulations to align crypto with traditional finance.

On the other hand, Deaton gained prominence after challenging the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in its lawsuit against Ripple (XRP). He is also the founder of CryptoLaw, a platform providing crypto holders with insights and updates on digital asset regulatory developments in the United States. Deaton has been at odds with Sen. Warren and SEC Chair Gary Gensler regarding their approach to crypto regulation.

Despite his deep involvement with digital assets, Deaton, a Detroit native who moved to Massachusetts in early 2024, has emphasized that he is not running solely on a crypto platform. Instead, he aims to directly challenge Warren’s stance on various issues.

As of this writing, Sen. Warren had not responded to Deaton. The crypto lawyer still needs to win his party primaries, which are due in just over a week, before he can take on Warren.

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