Discovering ERC-20 token balances in a wallet is a straightforward process, but accessing the balances of another address requires the use of an API. APIs like Chainbase, Alchemy, and Moralis can provide this information efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use these APIs to find ERC-20 token balances:

Using Chainbase API:

1. Create an account on Chainbase and obtain an API key.
2. Write a script using the Chainbase API to retrieve ERC-20 token balances.
3. Use Axios library to make HTTP requests and fetch token balances.
4. Print the token balances using the getAccountTokens API.

Using Alchemy API:

1. Install Node and NPM on your local machine.
2. Sign up for an Alchemy account and create a new app.
3. Set up a Node project and install necessary dependencies.
4. Use Alchemy SDK or Axios/Fetch to interact with the Alchemy API.
5. Retrieve token balances of an address using the getTokenBalances method.

Using Moralis API:

1. Set up Moralis by installing Node.js and NPM.
2. Create a free Moralis account and get the API key from the dashboard.
3. Use the getWalletTokenBalances endpoint to find ERC-20 tokens owned by an address.
4. Run the script to get the token balances in JSON format.

By following these steps, users can easily access and retrieve ERC-20 token balances from different addresses using Chainbase, Alchemy, and Moralis APIs. Explore more news and updates on Global Crypto News for further insights into the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.