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Mainstream Gaming and Web3 Governance

Mainstream gaming offers a unique opportunity for direct community involvement, and web3 governance through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) could be the solution. Consider the controversy surrounding the popular game Helldivers 2 and its resolution as a case in point.

Helldivers 2: A Success Story

Helldivers 2 has emerged as one of the biggest hits of the year in gaming. Developed by ArrowHead Studios, the cooperative third-person shooter was launched on Steam and Sony PlayStation. The game’s immense popularity surprised many, including ArrowHead, whose previous notable game was the 2011 action-adventure title Magicka.

Launched in February, Helldivers 2 initially faced server overloads, signaling its success. To date, the game has sold over 12 million copies, making it the fastest-selling PlayStation game ever.

Cooperative Gameplay and Community

A significant factor behind the game’s success is its well-executed cooperative missions. Teams of four engage in missions lasting from 10 to 30 minutes, offering players a sense of accomplishment in a short time frame. The game’s visuals, audio, and gunplay are highly praised. Features like Orbital Railcannon Strikes and napalm bombardments add to the excitement.

Friendly fire incidents and exaggerated ragdoll physics have led to a plethora of entertaining clips on social media. However, what truly sets Helldivers 2 apart is its sense of community. Players participate in short battles that contribute to a larger war effort against alien and robot invaders. An Arrowhead employee, known as “Joel,” directs the in-game alien attacks and objectives, which the entire player base must achieve collectively.

This sense of community has fostered a unique bond among players. Forums are filled with role-playing as Helldivers, and creative members have produced documentaries about in-game events like the “Massacre at Malevelon Creek.”

Months after its launch, Helldivers 2 continues to draw up to 500,000 players daily, earning an “overwhelmingly positive” rating on Steam.

Community Backlash

Despite Arrowhead’s efforts to build a strong community, they underestimated its power. In May, Sony and Arrowhead announced that PC players would need to create and link a PlayStation account to continue playing Helldivers 2. This decision faced widespread opposition, as PlayStation accounts are not available in over 170 countries. The community’s disapproval led to a coordinated “review-bombing” campaign, changing the game’s rating from “overwhelmingly positive” to “overwhelmingly negative.”

The pressure worked, and the decision was reversed, sparking celebrations among the Helldivers community. Players commemorated their victory with virtual redesigns of in-game gear, including capes decorated with negative Steam review bars.

Web3’s Solution: DAOs

The Helldivers 2 conflict highlights the power and potential danger of player engagement. Gamers are passionate about their hobby, and capturing this engagement can lead to significant sales and user volumes. However, ignoring players’ opinions can backfire, as Arrowhead and Sony discovered.

Web3 offers a solution through decentralized governance models using DAOs and blockchain technology. DAOs provide a structure where all stakeholders, including players, can have real voting power on critical decisions affecting the gaming experience. In-game tokens can be used as governance power, allowing players to vote on game updates, policy changes, and content creation.

Integrating DAOs into mainstream gaming could revolutionize community feedback. Instead of top-down decision-making, a DAO approach would create a bottom-up system where the community’s majority voice directly influences game development. This could prevent backlashes like the one faced by Arrowhead and enhance long-term player loyalty and engagement.

Blockchain technology ensures transparent and verifiable voting processes, building trust within the community. For a game like Helldivers 2, leveraging web3 tech could foster a more dynamic and responsive gaming experience. Players could propose and vote on new mission types, weapon balancing, strategic decisions, and gameplay mechanics modifications. This level of involvement could set a new standard for player interaction in the gaming industry.

While challenges exist in introducing web3 and DAOs into mainstream gaming, the potential benefits are significant. Increased transparency, player empowerment, and a deeper sense of community could justify the effort. By embracing these innovative approaches, the gaming industry can step into a new era of community-driven development and sustainability.

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