The recent theft of $68 million in cryptocurrency has taken an unexpected turn as the hacker responsible has offered to return the stolen assets through the social media platform Telegram. According to blockchain expert ZachXBT, the hacker has expressed their intention to return the money to the victim. The hacker left a message on chat requesting the victim’s Telegram handle to return 51 Ethereum (ETH).

At present, the victim has not responded to the hacker’s offer, and the motive behind the sudden decision to return the stolen assets remains unknown. The victim fell prey to a spam attack, resulting in the loss of $68 million in cryptocurrency due to inadvertence.

The spam attack, also known as a poisoning or dust attack, involves sending small amounts of cryptocurrency to the victim’s wallet from addresses that closely resemble their regular transaction addresses. Despite this significant theft, there has been a 141% decrease in crypto project losses from hacks in the past month, as reported by CertiK. The total amount lost to crypto hacks was $21 million, with an additional $4.3 million lost to exit scams and $129,000 due to flash loan fraud.

Since the beginning of 2024, crypto projects have suffered losses amounting to $449 million, with the largest attack being the hacking of the Orbit Bridge, resulting in victims losing $81.5 million. In another development, ZKasino is currently facing scrutiny following reports of withdrawal issues experienced by its users.