A cybersecurity expert has raised concerns about Google’s inadequate preventive measures against crypto-targeted deepfakes involving Bitcoin and figures like Elon Musk.

Scammers Exploit Deepfake Technology

Recently, scammers used a fabricated video of billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk on YouTube to trick users into parting with their cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. These bad actors utilized artificial intelligence and real video clips to create YouTube Live sessions, directing crypto users to deposit Bitcoin on multiple websites. The campaign garnered hundreds of thousands of views, with potential losses still unknown.

Michael Marcotte, founder of the National Cybersecurity Center (NCC), highlighted in a press release that scammers are orchestrating a β€œpersonal attack on Elon Musk” and undermining consumer confidence in Bitcoin. Additionally, hackers used Russian domain name registrars for the crypto depository platforms, promising to double user funds. According to Marcotte, this tactic may have been used to misdirect law enforcement. He stated, “This unusual attack fingerprint raises serious questions about underlying intent and source.”

Calls for Google to Act

Marcotte emphasized that the scammers used an account with nearly one million followers and 250 million views, questioning Google’s policies as malicious users mimicked a verified Tesla YouTube account. “The real indictment was that scammers were able to perpetrate this scam on YouTube for hours over the weekend without it being shut down. It is clear in this particular case that Google’s cybersecurity team was asleep at the wheel,” said Marcotte via email.

While Marcotte acknowledged that Google’s team deserves the benefit of the doubt, he stressed that a breach of this magnitude should have been quickly flagged and addressed.

Recurring Concerns

Users have frequently complained about attack vectors left unchecked by Google, leading to crypto losses. For instance, a fake Aggr Chrome extension was used to bypass Binance security, resulting in significant losses. On June 3, multiple reports of $1 million in losses linked to the same extension surfaced. In April, scammers used paid ads on the search engine to promote a harmful OTC crypto platform.

Despite some efforts by Google to counteract these scams, users and experts agree that more robust measures are needed. “It is now starkly obvious that we’re moving into a world where the line between real and fake is increasingly unclear. This weekend’s scam needs to be a radical wake-up call for the rest of the industry,” noted Marcotte.

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