The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has submitted 52 victims’ statements to the Attorney’s Office ahead of Sam Bankman-Fried’s sentencing on Thursday. These statements shed light on the emotional and financial distress experienced by numerous victims. One former member of the Unsecured Creditors Committee (UCC) shared a personal claim of $4 million, highlighting the devastating impact of FTX’s collapse.

For many victims, FTX’s collapse resulted in the loss of life savings and forced them to face financial hardships. The emotional toll was equally significant, with victims experiencing depression and disruptions in their personal lives. It is crucial for assets to be valued based on their current worth, rather than their value at the time of FTX’s bankruptcy filing.

The victim statements also reveal instances where Sullivan Cromwell allegedly misled the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and ignored the property rights of customers. These revelations underscore the need for a fair and just resolution for all victims involved.

One Spanish investor expressed a sense of betrayal after investing savings with aspirations of entrepreneurship, only to have their dreams shattered by FTX’s collapse. Similarly, an Italian victim described their experience as a “worst nightmare” after transferring funds to FTX from Celsius, hoping for a safer investment. The collapse not only caused financial losses but also led to severe mental trauma and strained personal relationships.

Despite the challenges faced by victims, there is a glimmer of hope with FTX’s recent sale of shares in the AI firm Anthropic for $884 million. As victims await sentencing for Sam Bankman-Fried, they remain optimistic that their stories will be taken into consideration by the court in determining appropriate compensation.

It is essential for the Federal Court to reevaluate its approach to reimbursement and prioritize the needs of victims who have suffered greatly as a result of FTX’s collapse. The voices of these victims must be heard and their experiences acknowledged as the legal proceedings move forward.