Craig Wright, a self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin, has been referred to U.K. prosecutors for alleged perjury. A judge at London’s High Court found that Wright lied β€œextensively and repeatedly” about his claim to have created Bitcoin.

Australian computer scientist Craig Wright has long maintained that he authored the 2008 whitepaper under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. However, Judge James Mellor ruled in March that the evidence proving Wright was not Satoshi was β€œoverwhelming.” This ruling came after the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) initiated a legal battle to prevent Wright from suing Bitcoin developers.

In a written ruling, Judge Mellor referred the case to Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to consider charging Wright with perjury for lying under oath during the trial. The judge emphasized the seriousness of Wright’s actions.

“If Wright’s conduct did not warrant a referral to the Crown Prosecution Service, it is difficult to envisage a case which would.”

Judge Mellor further stated that he had β€œno doubt” about referring the relevant papers to the CPS for consideration of prosecution against Wright for perjury and forgery of documents. The judge also mentioned the possibility of issuing a warrant for Wright’s arrest and/or seeking his extradition.

In mid-March, just a day after the High Court ruled that Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, his billionaire backer, Calvin Ayre, announced on social media that he would be leaving the platform to embark on an adventure he had been planning for the past year.

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