Imagine a scene in a luxurious hotel room, where a group of men in hoodies and suits gather around a table with women serving sushi. This is not a Hollywood casting call but a glimpse into the world of underground crypto culture.

Copper Technologies, a digital asset company, made headlines for using scantily clad models as sushi platters during their event. The company has ties to controversial figures and has been involved in transactions with sanctioned individuals.

Unfortunately, the crypto industry has been criticized for its lack of gender diversity and instances of misogyny. Prominent women in the industry have faced online harassment and threats, highlighting the need for a more inclusive environment.

While women are making strides in the crypto world, there is still a long way to go. Events like DeSci in London showcase female panelists and industry veterans, but the industry remains dominated by men. It’s essential for companies to prioritize gender diversity in leadership positions for a more balanced and equitable market.

As the industry grapples with issues of greed and toxicity, diversity is key to fostering innovation. More voices, perspectives, and ideas can lead to exponential growth and progress in the crypto space. It’s time for a shift away from the ‘bro’ culture towards a more inclusive and forward-thinking industry.

In conclusion, the future of crypto lies in creating a space where everyone, regardless of gender or background, can thrive. Let’s work towards a crypto community that values diversity and inclusivity, where the focus is on innovation and progress.