Changpeng Zhao, once the world’s richest inmate with a net worth estimated at $61.6 billion by Forbes, has been released from a low-security prison in California. Zhao, also known as CZ, served four months behind bars for failing to enforce adequate Know Your Customer (KYC) checks at Binance, a violation of the Bank Secrecy Act. Initially slated for release on September 29, wardens exercised discretion to release him on Friday, September 27 instead.

Despite his relatively short sentence, life will be markedly different for the billionaire. Formerly a cult-like figure at Binance, CZ now faces a lifetime ban from managing the exchange. This development has fueled speculation about his future endeavors. Will CZ return to the cryptocurrency industry that made him wealthy, or will he pivot to artificial intelligence (AI)? During his sentencing hearing in April, the 47-year-old indicated that neither was a priority, stating:

“For the next chapter of my life, I want to provide opportunities for others, namely our youth. I’m building a platform to provide high-quality education for underprivileged kids, all around the world, for free.”

To this end, a new initiative called Giggle Academy has been launched, although it is still in its pre-launch phase. Binance, now led by Richard Teng, has expressed well wishes for CZ, emphasizing that there are no hard feelings. “We are delighted that CZ will be home with his family. While he is not managing or operating Binance, we are excited to see what he does next,” the company said.

CZ’s Future

Despite this, some campaigners argue that CZ’s four-month sentence was lenient. Better Markets previously claimed there was overwhelming evidence that CZ “willfully, knowingly, and intentionally designed and ran Binance to be a crypto money laundering superstore for the most despicable global criminals.” His sentence was significantly shorter than the 18-month maximum outlined in sentencing guidelines and far from the three years that U.S. prosecutors had sought.

A former Binance employee, who wished to remain anonymous, commented, “It seems like a pretty short sentence compared to the crimes that he was on trial for — it feels like yet another example of a financial criminal not being prosecuted for long enough.” They further argued that four months is insufficient for CZ to learn from his mistakes, adding, “I’d imagine he sees this as a small but unfortunate blip in his path towards building his empire.”

While it remains uncertain whether CZ will re-enter the crypto space, some of his closest associates have taken over leadership roles at Binance. This includes He Yi, Binance’s co-founder and chief customer service officer, who has been CZ’s partner since 2014. “Even if he is never actually ‘working’ in crypto again, the fact that He Yi is still at Binance means that CZ will never be far from crypto,” the former employee noted.

Impact on Binance

The larger question is the potential damage CZ’s actions have inflicted on Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange. The platform has faced bans from major economies like the U.K. and the U.S. in recent years. When asked about the lasting impact of CZ’s jail time on Binance, our source remarked, “I don’t actually think so. No one seems to remember CZ and Binance’s crimes compared to SBF and FTX.”

While CZ’s top priority now is to rehabilitate his image, both he and Binance will continue to face legal challenges in the coming months. Just a few years ago, any mention of potential obstacles would have elicited a casual “4” from CZ — shorthand for “FUD” (fear, uncertainty, and doubt). Now, no longer part of the empire he helped build, Changpeng Zhao may need to adopt a more humble approach.

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