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US 2024 Election Cycle: An Emotional Roller Coaster

From the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump to Joe Biden announcing the end of his campaign 100 days before the election, this year’s United States 2024 election cycle has been intense. Social media pundits, AI, and TikTok algorithms have amplified its twists and turns, adding a layer of complexity with a touch of misinformation.

Campaign Narratives and Candidate Perceptions

On the right, Donald Trump presents himself as a savvy businessman and a DC outsider on a mission to disrupt Washington. His “Make American Great Again” slogan evokes 1980s nostalgia, emphasizing “MADE IN THE USA” and national pride. This “America First” mentality appeals to voters disenchanted with the system, concerned about crime and illegal immigration.

On the left, Kamala Harris projects the image of a sharp, diplomatic DC insider capable of handling global and domestic affairs. Her slogan, “We’re Not Going Back,” counters Trump’s national agenda and addresses civil liberties issues. Harris’s candidacy resonates with voters disliking both Joe Biden and Donald Trump, known as “Double Haters.”

Challenges for Each Side

The Republican party faces the challenge of having a convicted felon as their nominee. This situation creates a perception that wealth and power can bend the rules, which alienates some voters. Trump’s divisive language about race and personal attacks on rivals may also work against him, despite his core support.

The Democratic Party struggles with the perception of being “the party with no plan and no clue.” While the Republican party and Trump have promoted their agenda extensively, Democrats have not effectively communicated a clear vision for the future. Kamala Harris’s economic agenda aims to appeal to the Democratic base, but her real challenge lies in reaching white, blue-collar menβ€”a voting block that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016.

Cryptos’ Influence on Elections

Crypto holders represent a diverse demographic cross-section concerning age and ethnicity. An estimate puts the number of crypto holders in the United States at 52 million. Analysts believe this year’s US Presidential election will be closely contested. Both candidates actively court crypto votes, indicating the razor-thin margin for victory.

The fact that both candidates are actively courting the crypto votes shows how razor-thin the margin for victory in the upcoming elections.

Social Media’s Role

Joe Biden’s campaign has faced lukewarm attitudes, especially after a dismal debate performance that questioned his mental sharpness. Viral clips from the debate circulated online, leading prominent Democrats to urge him to step down. Consequently, Kamala Harris gained significant traction, closing the gap with Trump in polls. Her campaign rallies have injected new enthusiasm and hope, resembling rock concerts in their energy.

Who’s Winning the Perception War?

As of now, no clear winner has emerged in the perception war between the candidates. The actual election results will ultimately decide the victor. However, one thing is certain: crypto voters will play a crucial role in determining the winning candidate.

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Courage Kimber is a web3 strategist and blockchain consultant with over ten years of experience in web strategy management, e-commerce, and digital transformation. She is passionate about blockchain and enjoys helping others in the industry.