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Understanding Different Types of Web3 Gamers

What defines a gamer? A G-Fuelled teen grinding battle royale victories? A cozy gamer enjoying an indie gem? A commuter playing Candy Crush Saga? Gaming covers a broad spectrum, and there’s no single definition. Since Richard Bartle’s original taxonomy of player types in 1996, much has changed.

The Core Group of Web3 Gamers

Our focus now is understanding who our core group of web3 gamers are and what drives them. This knowledge will help streamline onboarding mainstream gamers and creating sustainable game economies.

The Grinder

The Grinder is dedicated to seeing numbers go up and is willing to work hard for it. Think of that hardcore friend from Runescape or the World of Warcraft expert you’d want by your side for every raid. Their dedication is crucial for the game’s health. They avoid spending money, engaging with game mechanics in ways that educate others, and their commitment fosters a strong community within game ecosystems. The Grinder shows the path, and others follow.

The Optimizer

The Optimizer balances between the Grinder and the Speculator. Rather than grinding for hours or making major purchases, this player maximizes the efficiency of their time. They may buy a card to optimize their competitive deck or improve their gameplay. By playing games like any mainstream gamer, the Optimizer is key to facilitating the liquidity and sustainability of game economies.

The Evangelist

The Evangelist is passionate about web3 gaming. They want to see it succeed at all costs and will spread the word. If you’ve ever had a friend try to get you to join multiple Discord servers or team up in a recent web3 release, you’ve met an Evangelist. Their community-building efforts and support for development teams are invaluable. They serve as a bridge between traditional gaming communities and the emerging web3 space.

The Explorer

The Explorer is driven by curiosity. They might try a game they saw on Instagram because it looks interesting. As digital natives, they are aware of blockchain and web3 gaming excitement and want to learn more. Explorers bring fresh perspectives and ideas, making them arguably the most important web3 gamer persona. If Explorers struggle with a game’s onboarding or churn out quickly, it indicates potential issues for the average consumer. Engaging more Explorers can attract and retain new, curious gamers.

The Speculator

The Speculator is in web3 gaming for financial gain. They seek early-stage web3 experiences with potential for significant returns. While some view Speculators as undesirable, their early investments can fund game development and draw attention to high-potential titles. Though they may eventually withdraw their profits, Speculators play a role in the web3 gaming ecosystem.

Web3 gaming isn’t where commentators in 2021 expected it to be, and that’s okay. Quality games and well-designed economies take time. We now have a clearer picture of who web3 gamers are and what drives them. Gaming can be about more than just β€˜fun.’ Even BAFTA has a β€œGame Beyond Entertainment” award category, prioritizing factors beyond sheer gameplay enjoyment. Why is there snobbery when web3 gaming brings more motivation to play? By focusing on nurturing a mix of current player profiles, web3 gaming can create a positive environment for mainstream gamers to find belonging.

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