Norwegian authorities have successfully frozen and returned $5.7 million in stolen crypto from the Ronin bridge attack. Norway has managed to reclaim nearly $6 million in stolen cryptocurrency from the $620 million hack of the online game Axie Infinity in 2022.

In an announcement on Friday, Sky Mavis, the blockchain firm behind Axie Infinity, disclosed that the National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime, in collaboration with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and blockchain forensic firm Chainalysis, froze the assets.

Today we received some significant news from the Norwegian government and Økokrim. The Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (Økokrim) has successfully frozen and returned 5.7 M USD in stolen assets from the Ronin bridge…

According to the Singapore-based firm, approximately 15% of the recovered assets will cover the costs incurred during the recovery process, while the remaining 85% will be deposited into the Axie Infinity treasury.

Key Points:

  • Norwegian authorities, in collaboration with the FBI and Chainalysis, froze and returned $5.7 million in stolen crypto.
  • 15% of the recovered assets will cover recovery costs, and 85% will go into the Axie Infinity treasury.

Sky Mavis extended their gratitude to everyone involved in the recovery efforts, especially Økokrim and the FBI, for their efforts to track down and recover these assets for the Axie and Ronin communities.

Additionally, the blockchain firm mentioned that an extra $40 million in separate crypto funds have been frozen. However, they did not provide further details, stating that these assets will take some time to recover, and there is no specific timetable for their return.

Axie Infinity’s cross-chain bridge was attacked in 2022, leading to the loss of $620 million. Hackers, allegedly from North Korea, exploited a vulnerability in the bridge connecting the Ronin sidechain to the Ethereum blockchain. Subsequent investigations revealed that the hack was likely facilitated by tricking an engineer at the firm into applying for a fake job containing malicious code to infiltrate Ronin’s systems.

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