A Japan-based Akita dog society is now leveraging blockchain technology to issue digital pedigree certificates for the Akita dog breed. The Akita Inu Preservation Society, in collaboration with Meta Akita Inc. and Heirloom Inc., aims to provide authenticity and convenience for dog owners.

The decision to use blockchain technology was made in response to the society’s growing overseas membership and reports of forged pedigree documents in China. By digitizing document management, the society hopes to streamline processes and combat forgery.

Through a dedicated smartphone app and website, owners can now access digital pedigree certificates faster and with increased security. This move not only enhances convenience but also provides peace of mind for dog owners.

Blockchain technology has proven to be effective in tracking transactions transparently. In a similar initiative, India’s Maharashtra state adopted LegitDoc, an Ethereum blockchain-powered system, to issue digital diploma certificates and combat forgery cases.

As the Akita Inu Preservation Society embraces blockchain technology, it sets a new standard for authenticity and convenience in the world of dog ownership.