As tensions escalate in Gaza, an Ethereum community member named Kat has initiated a campaign powered by ETH to assist in evacuating local families to safety.

The campaign, called ETH Evacuations, has raised over $55,000 in the last 24 hours to support families trying to leave the Gaza strip. This initiative comes in response to the intensified conflict in Gaza after militants associated with Hamas entered Israel on October 7, resulting in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

Kat, also known as @Katalunia030, who previously held a position as the head of product at Zora, a creator-focused platform on the Ethereum network, launched the campaign on March 10. The purpose of the campaign is to send ETH donations directly to families in Gaza through

The crypto community has shown significant support for the campaign, with many individuals actively involved in spreading the word and making donations. Kat has been personally contributing to the cause and has been engaged in various charitable activities since her visit to Gaza in June 2023.

According to Kat, the cost for an adult to cross the Gaza border through the Rafah crossing is approximately 1.5 ETH (around $5,000), while the cost for a child is about 0.5 ETH (approximately $2,000). These expenses cover the required “coordination fees” for crossing via this route, which is the only crossing point between Egypt and Palestine.

The campaign initially focused on assisting friends and colleagues of Kat who were struggling to evacuate, but as donations poured in, it expanded to help the wider community. By March 13, the campaign successfully facilitated the safe evacuation of two families from Gaza.

Several NFT artists have also shown their support for the campaign by listing collections to raise funds. One artist, troels_a, launched the EVAC open edition project on Coinbase’s base network, with all proceeds going towards the educational campaign. Another artist, known as ‘brian is online,’ released three NFTs and pledged to match all proceeds generated.

As of the latest update, the campaign has raised over $100,000 in ETH over 3.5 weeks. Donations were received in various cryptocurrencies, indicating a broad range of support beyond just the Ethereum community.

One notable donation to the campaign was 10 ETH, valued at around $32,868 at the time of receipt, although the donor’s identity remains unknown.

This campaign highlights the transparency provided by blockchain technology, which is crucial for philanthropic efforts to combat fraud and ensure accountability.